Meaning of (सूँस या शिंशुक या चुल्लकी) sunsa/shinshuka/chullakee,soonsa/shinshuka/chullaki in english

Other :
Suggested : any of several small, gregarious cetaceans of the genus Phocoena, usually blackish above and paler beneath, and having a blunt , rounded snout, especially the common porpoise, P phocoena, of both the North Atlantic and Pacific
Exampleसूँस या शिंशुक या चुल्लकी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(सूँस या शिंशुक या चुल्लकी) sunsa/shinshuka/chullakee,soonsa/shinshuka/chullaki . No of characters: 25 including consonants matras. Transliteration : suu.Nsa/shi.nshuka/chullakii

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